About Us
How Can Bcis Help Your Business?
Find out how we can assist with the Communications, Information Needs and Systems of your business.
Providing Technology-based Business Solutions
At BCIS your business, communications and information are met with over 25 years experience across a wide range of businesses and industries.
Prior to the business’ formation in 1995, consultant developer Alistair Munro worked at the highest levels of management within the automotive, marketing, computing and public communications industries.
Since its formation there’s hardly been an industry not covered by BCIS...
- Recruitment
- Utilities (power, water & waste)
- Education & training
- Legal
- Government
- Automotive
- Finance
- Property
- Transport
- Manufacturing
- Wholesale
- Import/Export
- Not-for-profit
And within these industries, all types of systems have been developed or worked on:
- Jobbing/sales booking
- Sales analysis
- Client Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customised training
- Production & ordering
- Financial forecasting
- Utilities (runsheets) planning
- Inventory management
- Financial (mainframe) analysis
- Project tendering & planning
- Fleet management
- Cash returns management
- Work/Time clocking
- Time & billing
- General ledger
- KPI evaluations
- Corporate training
…and many more
Extensive Business Experience
Alistair brings to his clients a business administration degree, a certificate in adult teaching and nearly 20 years of advanced Toastmasters training in public and inter-personal communication and leadership skills. Within Toastmasters he reached the position of National Training Co-ordinator.
How Can Bcis Help Your Business?
Helping with all facets of your BUSINESS
- Marketing & Sales
- Training
- External & internal communications
- Production & Operations
- Finance
- Utility planning
- Administration
... Facilitating personalised COMMUNICATION with your specified audiences
- Staff training
- Leadership training
- Client briefings
- Industry seminars
- Direct mail
- Optimising new technology
- Presentation material
- Presentation skills training
... Managing all your INFORMATION needs
- Data cleansing & conversion
- Data ordering & tracking
- Presenting mainframe data in a readable, useful format
- Sales reporting & forecasting
- Statistical analysis
- Executive summaries
- Data process consultancy
... Providing SYSTEMS designed to your specifications
- Customised databases
- Database rebuilds
- Database modifications
(keeping your database alive, relevant and working for you!) - Automated spreadsheeting
- Other automated Office systems (eg mail merge)
- Systems & process consultancy
- Customised onsite training programmes
Combining extensive marketing experience with high level computing and problem-solving skills, to provide technology-based business solutions.